Friday, 18 June 2010

Special Olympics Limerick

What a wonderful week we had in our wee town!
The Special Olympics graced our place yet again.
Well done to all the wonderful athletes.
And a huge round of applause to all the volunteers who gave time, energy and lots of love and hugs.
But of course, they were rewarded tenfold!

We did what we could, what we are good at, and entertained all those (3000) volunteers tonight, at a great party! You are such a wonderful bunch, and it was our pleasure to see you all having so much fun!

Well done Limerick!


  1. what a grand thing for limerick! cheers for all y'all! xoxoxox

  2. I'm sure you did a grand job too - I'd love to see you do your stuff! And I'm sure Limerick did them proud.

  3. That looks a great event. More inspiring than last night's footie.
    Love the Pal.

  4. sav; It was more than grand hon! :¬)


    Madame DF; It was a very fine week, for the athletes, the volunteers, and for the city in general! We tend to get a lot of bad press from the national media, so it's great when we shine!

    (Youtube 'Madhatters Limerick' and y'all will see us!) :¬)


  5. Alexxander; thank you young fella! :¬)

    Pat; 'twas grand!
    (Little reminder of our friend, just to keep him with us!) :¬)


  6. Hats off to you guys for that service. My brother always participated in the Winter Special Olympics here in California so I always have a great respect for people who make them happen knowing what it does for the athletes who compete.
