Saturday, 6 August 2011

My Name Is Jimmy And I Love Geordies!


  1. :0

    I'm tiptoeing away before you-know-who from Scotland arrives.

  2. hope; I don't blame ya! (AND he's not in a good mood already, some 'not very nice peeps' have been stealing from him. I'm quite sure they wouldn't have dared if they knew he was a pal of mine!) :¬)


  3. oh, heck, no, i'm not leaving! but, i AM wondering if dear map has lost his mind or has drunk himself into insanity or has fallen prey to an evil spirit or all of the above - or - actually, if this is the handiwork of JB himself - boys will be boys - and with these two, it's sometimes difficult to tell one's pranks from the other's!

  4. oh, go on with you now, musicman! tell me your comment to hope is another joke, right? about those not very nice peeps! dear heavens, what is this world coming to - i have on several occasions found pieces of mine on the sites of others - not a fun thing with which to deal -

    perhaps i will just slip away for now and come again another time - ;)


  5. GYPSYWOMAN; Those peeps have been stealing actual physical work impliments from the poor wee fecker, the tools of the wee mans trade! I told him he should have employed the services of MapSecurity! :¬)


  6. Easier to steal himself's tools than his words. One only has to hover a few seconds over a phrase and WHAM you get your wrist slapped. I only wanted to quote in HIS comment box this one time, which - alas is no more. Still as long as he is around - in various guises - all is well:)

  7. You're all safe - his "scottish" accent is crap.

  8. you're right, pat - security in the land of the wordwizard is very tight - something i truly understand and appreciate after having found bits and pieces of my words round and bout the internet via the little copy-catcher service i have - and now i'm also considering removing comments as they seem to be a favorite cruising/breeding ground for hackers which i also have recently encountered - and what a mess that was! in any event, you're also right - as long as he's around, all is well - but i must say that the same may not be said for those naughty tool thieves!

  9. Ah Map. It is only wan as close to my own heart as you that could get away with the writing of such cheeky words.

    What can I say about the great pish hole that is left after the usual Saturday night rioting fae those who cannae take their drink in Newcastle?

    There are no polyester tracksuits or TV's left but the bookshop and the adult education centre is untouched. After the drunken unemployed locals had destroyed the huge carpet warehouse store last night, Newcastle now has Rug Dealers on every corner.

  10. "They're all named Jimmy".
    I literally spewed my Guniness upon hearing THAT!
    And now to find out that our dollface Jimmy has been the victim of peckerless thieves?

    So wrong .... so very wrong.

  11. Hello Mr Mapstew, sorry I haven't been back to you sooner, however the news is good and the infection can be treated with a special cream. Can I suggest contraception in future?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Dr Palmer-Jeffrey; Bastard! :¬)

  14. Jimmy; Definitely. Your shout I think? :¬)

  15. After reading the good doctors comment, yis won't be offended if I sit a couple of bar stools away from yis will yee?

  16. Jimmy; Just when I was gettin' used to the smell off ya! :¬)

  17. I've had all my shots. I'll sit on the stool between Map and Jimmy. And they can buy ME drinks for the night!! ;-)

    PS - Jimmy, sorry to hear there's been some thievin' bastards about. I hope they get what they deserve.

  18. Pon; Yay! She lives! (Taking a break from the boyfriend?) :¬)

    As for buying drinks for you, that shouldn't cost us (me!) much! :¬)


  19. A wee bit of a break. Don't want to kill the poor man! ;-) He's coming over tomorrow, though, for dinner, then out to a movie.

    You'll have to buy me about 3 or 4. Maybe even 5, depending on what I'm having. Think you can manage that? ;-) xoxoxo

  20. Ponydoll, he cannae carry 3 drinks let alone buy or even consume 4 or 5. Probably a better neet all round if we send him to the movies with your man so that you and I can work our way along the top shelf without having to mop up the mess that is the Map man.

  21. Pon; Yes, anything you want, and we'll let Jimmy happily work his way along the top shelf, at the NEWSAGENTS next door! (He loves that top shelf!) :¬)


  22. Ha! Without me to lift you up to the top shelf wee man, you'd be stuck with Womans Weekly and the Angling Times to keep you amused during those long nights on the tour bus.

    Durty Nellie's... 8pm sharp the night. Bring your wallet and your drinking legs. And for the love of all things holy, no be wearing the leather trews, reet?

  23. Jimmy; Nellie's it is then, and I'll keep the leather limited to yer favourite cod-piece!

    (I might even sing a song for ye if yer nice!) :¬)

  24. and i hear that you did just that, musicman! that you magnificently sang your heart out - and your dear pal is all about bragging on you! but unable to do an audio, so he has directed all of us here, back to the source for the notes! so here i am - front row seat - and the drum rolls....curtain rises....

  25. oh, but don't please don't wear out your voice on re-runs here - you've a big night tomorrow at my birthdaybash so perhaps you'd best just rest those big chords till then! ;)

  26. I am listening to Mr Jimmy's link!!!
    I am very impressed!!!

  27. Am listening to you sing, Map, over at Jimmy's. :-) You're real, you've an Irish accent, and you can sing!

    What a lovely way to start a Thursday!


  28. and what better way to begin my birthday than to the melodious sound of your magnificent voice, dear map! just beautiful! i was so moved! bravo! [standing and applauding and throwing red roses onto the stage]

    and tonight, you'll be singing round the campfire! i can hardly wait! ;)


  29. Just think yoursel lucky wee man I used a photie in which you still have your troosers on. Maybe next week I might do a wee follow up on exactly what you look like when you are blootered.

  30. GYPSYWOMAN; I'm just pullin' in to your campsite, get ready for a good ol' shindig! :¬)


    Scarlet; *BLUSH* :¬)


  31. Pearl; Yes, all of the above! Thank you! :¬)


  32. Jimmy; You really have to stop getting me into those 'awkward situations'! Funny how ye's always have a camera at the ready too? :¬)

  33. well done, bubba! and thank you, jimmy for posting the link! i hope we'll all share a drink or 2 soon, sugarpies! xoxoxoxo

  34. sav; And that my dear, as the Ma says, will be 'some feckin' party'! :¬)

