Saturday, 21 November 2009


Bridie, the Da's Sister, passed away during the night.
She had suffered but a short time to cancer.
More than all the other Aunties and Uncles, She would have been the one I had most contact with, having been close neighbours when I was growing up.
She was also my favourite and reminded me of Da, having his sallow skin and good looks.

She will be missed greatly by all who knew Her.

Farewell Bridie.


  1. I am sorry for your loss. [Insert heartfelt, comforting hug here].

    I commented to someone last week,after one of my favorite senior citizens had passed, that I keep losing the "good" ones, while the cranky, complainers are left behind.

    With a smile the senior pointed out that maybe God just wanted some good company.

    I'm betting Birdie was good company. Isn't it nice that no one can steal great memories of the good?


  2. you have my heart, sugar! i am so sorry for your loss. we all grieve with you and yours. xoxoxox

  3. Brother Map,

    I will grieve with you and Jimmy this day for your Aunt and his Uncle.


  4. Sorry to hear this, my friend.

  5. Big hugs to you and yours, Map. It's a tough go... losing someone you are close to, but in time, we all have to go through it.

    Know that those still with you love and care for you, and you for them, and take strength in their love.

    I'll raise my glass to your Auntie. xoxoxo

  6. My thoughts are with you mate.
    Raise a glass for me

  7. hope; I always had time for her, and she for me. Maybe 'cos 'twas the Da was so fond of her. She had a great smile, and always loved it when I teased or joked with her.


    Sav; Thanks hon. xoxoxox

    Kim; Thank you friend.

    Jimmy; I know, and it is much appreciated pal.

    U; Thank you brother.

    Pearl; Thanks hon. xxx

    Pon; That's life hon, and I know, we all do have to face it. And yes, when I look around, I see the folk who love me, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. I will miss Bridie, but I have good memories of her. Cheers!


    Clyde; Thanks pal. One day I hope we will clink our glasses together in honour of all our loved ones!

  8. 'She had a great smile, and always loved it when I teased or joked with her.'
    I'm sure darlin' that she's well happy you are remembering her this way :-)

  9. Jayne; When I think of her, that's what I remember, smiles, not sadness. Maybe it's because she had a long, full life.


  10. I love the name Bridie. I'm sorry for your loss.

  11. AJ; Thank you.

    Bridie come from the Irish name 'Brigid' which means 'exalted one'. The Da used to call her Bridgie.


  12. Have no doubt---we will---and get that bloody Scotsman there

  13. Clyde; I'll forward to the day!
