Friday, 25 September 2009


If I had a box just for wishes......

do those things today...




  1. timely post for me, mapstew. We've had 2 deaths in the family in the past month, 3 since July. Precious precious times.

  2. Brother Map,

    You're right! We must, "do those things today"


  3. This has to be my all-time favorite Muppet song...and I really love the Muppets--especially Animal!

    Great vids!

  4. The older I get, the more I realize I need to do more of the things I've always wanted to do.

    Like this guy says.

  5. I wish I could come on line this week and see that Jimmy has posted

  6. I don't know about rewinding, but there are seriously times when I could do with a fast-forward...

  7. You always give us something to think about, MAP. Thanks

  8. Seems the Muppets passed with Henson. A product of one mans genius.

    I wish they would put them back as re-runs...they are timeless.

  9. I remember playing that Jim Croce song on the piano...hmmm, seems like only yesterday but it's been longer than that!

    Thanks for reminding us not to just store wishes. I took this week off so I could get around to "doing" some stuff instead of merely making lists. Thanks for getting me off to a great start!

  10. debra; Time IS so precious! Big hugs for you friend, and many kisses.


    U; TODAY Brother, TODAY!
    Love Ya!


    bettyl; thanks a million for visiting. Come back soon.


    Pon; hey pal, the older I get, the more fun I'm having. That's probably because I (we) get less self conscious and don't care what 'people' think or say about us!

    I've been performing for over thirty years, (I started when I was 2) but tonight, with my new act, for the first time I was truly doing what I wanted. (I actually felt like I was going to puke, the nerves were that bad before we started, but two seconds into the first song and I was at home!) I had been putting this off for a long time being so 'comfortable' with 'the Band'!
    Big Step for Map.


    Maggie May; Nice to see ya here, and do come back.


    Clyde; I reckon the big lad will be back soon pal. Take care.


    Kim; ain't that the truth! (Hey, I sound American!)

    Sav; You Know!

    IB; Thank YOU my new pal!

    @eloh; Jim was a one off genius for sure!

    hope; I had originally intended to post the Jim Croce version, but the Muppet take was so apt for where my head was at!

    You still doin' the piano? I hope so.

    And DO that stuff, it's later than you think!



  11. Pon; just watched that clip of Tim Mc G., and what a lesson for us all!


  12. Now when was that? 74? 73, maybe? One of my favorite songs. We had Jim Croce's album and listened to it daily, and then he died, at the height of what was a young career... "Poignant" is the word for it, my friend. One of those happily sad songs. Can we say that? Feel the same way about "American Pie" and "Starry Starry Night".

    I think a part of me likes to be sad. :-)

    Best wishes, map.


  13. Don't play the piano as often as I should. Something else to remedy. :)

    I inherited the piano I learned to play on, one that was second hand when Dad's parents got it for him. It's an old honky tonk upright that's probably over a 100 years old but it still has a cool sound! Dad, Sis and Bro all played by ear, but I had to learn to read music. Dad said I'd earned the piano b doing the "hard work", so it lives with me.

  14. Pearl; Ah sadness, and drink, and music!
    I can't listen to 'Danny Boy' when I've got drink onboard!


    hope; I can almost hear it!


  15. Hello Stewie,
    How true.
    Thanks for reminding us how precious time is in our lives.

  16. Auntie; every second counts!

    (I haven't been called Stewie in a while, and I have to say, I like it! :¬) )
    I was first called this on a visit to NJ a very long time ago, and you've brought back happy memories!

