Saturday, 28 May 2011

Norwegian Would!

Got to our wedding tonight, more than 60% of our punters were from Norway!

Would they be a strange crowd to please?
Would they get what we do?
Would they have fun?

They weren't strange.
They got us.
They had fun.

Norwegian Would!

La Norvége; Douze Points!


  1. Music is the universal language, is it not??? Of course they got you!!! ;-) xoxoxo

  2. but of course they did, mister musicman, but of course! how could they not! am still up at midnight with the big truck coming in the morning - then an all day loading marathon - but in the meantime, couldn't sleep so thought i'd drop by limerick - glad your event went well! see you all on the road! ;)


    oh, and don't be bashful - if you and the J have nothing better to do on a sunday afternoon, feel free to drop over - extra arms welcome!

  3. PARTAY is a worldwide language...

  4. I was expecting The Beatles tune!

  5. YOUR music would make anyone and everyone jump up and dance, sugar! xoxoxo

  6. A large woman sitting at the back was heard to say: Hvem er denne full mann og hvorfor har han nei håret. JEG bare kom her å stå opp med det regne og nå JEG ønskede JEG fikk fått våt i stedet.

    Who can blame her?

  7. Just once to be a fly on the wall at one of this things!

  8. THESE things!

    Too damn hot here today.

  9. Pon; ya, they did! And the bride turned from being 'Bridezilla' into our 'best friend' by the end of the night! :¬)


    GYPSYWOMAN; I'll have himself over with the van at the dawn! We're all yours for the day! :¬)


  10. Tempo; Innit tho! :¬)

    Scarls; Really? :¬)


  11. sav; Ta missus! :¬)


    Jimmy; Ha! Brings back memories of when we would watch the Eurovision Song Contest together! :¬)

  12. Pat; So do I! :¬)


    hope; You been at the drinks cabinet again? :¬)


  13. Aye, oh how you wept when Dana sang her wonderful ballad back in 1970. Tis just no the same with Jedward huh pal?

  14. Jimmy; I weep when I see Jedward too! :¬)

  15. Never mind Jedward, I'm like the Americans when it comes to mumbling popstars and just can't understand Cheryl Cole.

    Fancy wasting money on a restraining order when all she had to do was answer one of my 563 texts.

  16. Jimmy; Aha! So, the Super-injunction, it was you? :¬)

  17. While we're on this subject, Ryan Giggs today admitted to suffering from homesickness, saying that even though he's happy in Manchester, he does Miss Wales occasionally.

  18. Of course they got you! Us Nordies aren't a bad bunch, ya know! ;-)

  19. Jimmy; Pal you should take that act to the Fringe! :¬)

    Helga; The Nordies I met were quite a very good bunch! :¬)


  20. Map - Brilliant blog title, I do hope some of the young ones get the reference...
    I once had a girl....

  21. Och, it's been many a year since either of us bothered with a fringe, eh baldy?

  22. thanks so much to you and your pal for coming by with the van and working all your moving mojo magic for me, map!!! so generous of you all to come and bring all that brawn - and to use it, too! small hold-up glitch but the caravan will be rolling by the weekend - thanks again -

  23. Sausage; I wondered? :¬)

    Jimmy; MANY! Mitchell Brothers? Or Right Said Fred? :¬)

  24. GYPSYWOMAN; Anytime! (There was NO need to supply so much beer!) :¬)


  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. but, ya'll kept beggin' for more and more so i just kept it flowin'! ;)


    ooops - thought i saw a typo above -

  27. ... see there you go again with your showbiz connections.

  28. Jimmy; We'll get that ol' autograph book of yours full yet! :¬)

  29. Celebs eh? I don't see why the language barrier has resulted in Cheryl Cole being dropped from the American X Factor.

    Surely self-obsessed insincerity and a false smile is apparent in any country.

  30. Jimmy; Aye!

    (yer up late pal!) :¬)

  31. Back in 98 me and ma mate took a 3 man tent to Bordeaux for the world cup gemme Scotland v Norway. The Norweigan fans were different class, we sang together, danced together and a even got a wee peck on the cheek fae a drop dead gorgeous blonde bombshell...we did however drink them under the table. The game? Oh aye it was 1-1. Good times.

  32. Hahaha the letters your word verification asked me to type were 'feckru."

  33. Aye, last two days on this particular fit. Early starts and late finishes for me and the lads for a few more weeks on this and the last job in Essex before we can return hame to civilisation and decent beer, not to mention seeing my new grand wean.

    My daughter and my son-in-law decided to flip a coin to see what their new born son should be called.

    He's now called Tails.

  34. Ryan; That's not the first time someone has shouted 'Fecker you!' at me, and I'm sure it won't be the last! :¬)

    Jimmy; A new grand-wean? Well that deserves a toast. Congrats to all, especially grand-daddy!

    'Tails', now there's a name. And sure aren't there enough 'Heids' about already?! :¬)

  35. I was always partial to the heid during my time. Ironic really, the whole act is akin to taking a bow during the performance instead of at the end. The end being the crux of course.

  36. hey musicman! am online only a moment as all communication lines now down for the big move day after tomorrow - please do be sure and check your email though as i've left you a message of great import there - in the meantime, could not resist coming by here to see what you boys are up to - or down to - whichever as the case may be, what with the drink and all! ;)

    congratulations to the new granddaddy - i can see it now! mister j holding the precious little one with such magnificent tenderness -

    hugs, mister map!

  37. GYPSYWOMAN; Thanks for that, have passed on details to relevent peeps! Have a great journey! :¬)

