Friday, 22 April 2011

Fool Me Once

Da used to tell us to always do something good for folk if the opportunity should present itself. Be a gentleman, open doors, give up yer seat to a lady or someone older. "Always do a good turn if you can" were the words he used. And I have always tried to do that.

Sometimes though, a lad can be taken advantage of, and sometimes it takes other friends to point this out. You know what I mean, when you do a favour for someone so many times that eventually they expect you to do it all the time!

I've been told I can be too nice to some people. I don't mind that. But I DO mind being taken for a sucker!

I'll always hold true to my Da's teachings, but I am getting harder!
Some people say it's about time!


  1. I know what you mean... I am the same way! It's tough to be a hardnose when you need to be. xoxoxo

  2. It's hard to be good pal and vise versa.

  3. Well! What could THAT mean! What brought that on?! What happened? Please elaborate.

  4. what UB said, sugar! (yes, my immediate reaction was in the overly protective slightly older sister vein!) ;~) xoxoxox

  5. it's as if you've been reading my own mind, dear map - i've had the same conversations over and over recently - and am also feeling the brunt of such expectations - but, like you [i know], "harder" is not the real me and feels even more uncomfortable - however.........


  6. Well, we don't do anyone any favours by letting them become a user. So if you're really out to do them a good turn, then you need to help them realise their behaviour is only going to alienate them from their friends

  7. it's a strange thing alright.. saying no. it's a shite thing to have to do sometimes, but ultimately has to be done. Luckily for me, the ronald has a fairly direct way of going about awkward situations, so I can just dissappear and pretend it's not my idea at all!

  8. I'm sorry...were we separated at birth? ;)

    I've often said, especially when it comes to certain co-workers, that they mistake "nice/kind" for "stupid/sucker". I've finally found my backbone to say if I can only put it to work more than once a year. :)

    You can do it Map. I'll follow your lead.

  9. Pon; Tough, but getting much easier! :¬)


    Jimmy; Aye! :¬)

  10. UB; Just coming to my senses, at long last! :¬)

    sav; Ta very much my ever so slightly older sister! :¬)


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. the watercats; We could all do with a bit more of the ronald in us! :¬)


    hope; Jump on missus, the 'NO' switch is about to go red! :¬)


  13. GYPSYWOMAN; 'Uncomfortable' soon becomes 'not so uncomfortable' and so on, and so on. :¬)


  14. Kim; If I 'really want to do them a good turn'? If I REALLY want to do them a good turn?

    Some people are beyond my needing to help them realise anything!

  15. Being taken for granted is a royal pain in the erse, I'm sure back in yer da's time holding a door open for a woman was the gentlemanly thing to do. I'm feart to do that noo incase I get a handbag ower the heed.

  16. Do unto to others - unless they do you;)

  17. I'm hearing you Map... Loud and clear my friend.

    What is it they say?
    Do unto others before they do it to you!

  18. Ryan; I'm afraid I'll always be holding doors open and giving up me seat, the Da would turn in his grave if I didn't!

    How's the fishing? :¬)

    Pat; Exactly Pat! :¬)


    Tempo; :¬)

  19. I don't know if you have it there but on this side of the pond we have the phrase..

    "No good deed goes unpunished"

    This is to designate an instance in which you try to do the right thing but wind up getting jammed up over it anyway in spite of good intentions.

  20. I can't stand it when people do that; when friends get used to your availability, but they're not always there for you.
