Sunday, 21 February 2016


I recently met my ex-fiancé at a wedding I was performing at. It has been 34 years since we broke up, and a very long time since my heart had healed. She was with her husband (the guy she left me for, a guy quite the opposite to me in every way, then and now.) Her Da was also with them, a man I have always been able to chat to for long periods of time, then and now.
She ended up drinking too much, and telling me too much about her sad life, how she had married the wrong guy for the wrong reasons... blah..blah..blah... 34 years too late missus.

Auditions begin this week for 'ProjectoR', my new band. We (my drummer of 34 years and I, and yes I met him just after the split with yer one above..) are seeing a very experienced bass player and an acoustic guitar player with no experience whatsoever.  We have no direction as of yet, just very open to what will happen.

We are losing two daughters this summer,  one to London and one to Dublin.  The house will seem very strange,  and quiet. I will find it hard to get used to seeing towels still in the hotpress a couple of hours after I washed and folded them. Each daughter needs approx five towels each for a shower.  My electric bills, food bills etc., are gonna be so low!


  1. Thanks for a proper post. First and foremost, you are not LOSING two daughters. They're moving. Big difference.

    Good luck on your project. Sometimes, no direction is the best direction.

  2. her loss, right? ;) i know the empty nest feeling, sweetpea. we went through it 4 (FOUR) times!! in fact, every time they come to visit or we go out to lalaland to visit them, i get that pang of sadness that we are apart and regret we live so far away...and then, i come home to my quiet, clean house... ;) xoxoxo

  3. Life is filled with choices and they have consequences. Too bad the lady made the wrong choice. Glad Annette got the Guy. :)

    Good luck with the band..looking forward to more about that. Sending hugs about the daughters. May be the only "positive" side of not being able to have kids...I never had to face the empty nest thing.

  4. Not having kids myself, I can't sympathize about your girls. But they won't be all that far away and I am sure they will come home on holidays and to visit!! (I moved several thousand kilometers away from home... more than once! Most of my holidays for years were home to be with family.)

    Can't wait to see/hear the new band!! And boohoo to the ex almost mrs who bemoans her choice. You have a treasure in the real Mrs... and she in you! xoxoxoxo

  5. The times with the girls will be all the sweeter and you have your lovely Missus and the excitement of a new band. Don't waste sympathy on your ex. If she had married you she'd probably still be moaning.

    1. You are so right dear Patricia!
      I knew there was a reason I liked ye! :)

  6. I recently stumbled upon the facebook page of a man I conceivably could have married. I nearly drowned as the relief washed over me! Bullets dodged are badges of honor! Excuse, me "honour"....

    The empty nest? I did a lot of pacing when mine first emptied. It's a bit of a gradual process, as they seem to bounce back quite a bit at first, for holidays, school breaks and the like. What I've noticed more recently is that the time I DO get with my adult children is precious beyond measure. And as much as we enjoy the time, we all settle back into our 'home' routines with a bit of relief, and a bit of melancholy...

  7. I'm dreading it when my daughters leave home. I moan about the mess they make etc. but I know the moment they are gone I won't just miss them but their mess too.

  8. It all changes again when they return with grandchildren...

    Best of fortune with the new band. Shame you don't live closer - I'm sure a bit of bouzouki would fit in :)

    1. How quickly things change Kim. A daughters heart has been broken, tears abound. And when our babies hurt we hurt.

    2. How quickly things change Kim. A daughters heart has been broken, tears abound. And when our babies hurt we hurt.

    3. You're right, we never stop being Dads

    4. And the daughter is back in love again, they have had long chats and decided to give it another go! It's no wonder my beard is grey! :)
