Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Just Can't Get Enough

I got a feeling a Bastardised version of this is gonna be sung many many times today in a certain part of Glesga!


  1. Oh for Pete's sake! Why are so many videos blocked in Canada!?!? And what the hell is this "Vevo" content that causes the blockage!?

    So what's happening tomorrow night in Glasgow that will cause all this bastardization? Or is that the game you were going to go to and aren't because of Daughter's religious whatever-it-is ceremony? I do remember the song, but would have like to have been able to see/hear it again.

  2. Pon; Changed the vid for a non'Vevo' one, hope ya can see this one!

    And yes to all of the second part of your comment. Celtic have taken this song and 'made it their own', so you can bet JB will be singin' it, as will Paul the Plumber. :¬)


  3. Hey, I saw those guys a millions years ago! It was a fantastic dance party night-a-thon.

  4. Thanks! Ya, I can see this one. xoxoxo

  5. Bloody hell, they look pretty damn good. Does one need to be a heroin addict to keep ones youthful looks and slimness.

  6. Suddenly I'm dancing at my desk, wondering where that waitress is with my B-52 (shot).... Ah. We did have fun then...


  7. Ponita...imagine what kind of publicity we could do with a video of Map, JB and Paul the Plumber! ;)

    You do know how to pick 'em, Map.

  8. My apologies for the lateness of my response sir, I see the wording of your post was succinct and to the point. My reply of course is thus; many a good time was had by many, the hour was very late when the celebrations had died down to a dull roar. Although my fevered rush mistakenly meant that a particular contact number left me talking to a rather surprised asian gentleman somewhere in Lurgan instead of the expected plumbers voice, all was not lost. I do hope that was the case with the plumber....

  9. UB; You musta been just a kid? :¬)

    Pon; Good. :¬)


  10. Sausage; I'm trying to get that slim look again, but I'll stick to the gym for the moment! :¬)

    Pearl; Have a B-52 on me! (Just tell the barman you know me!) :¬)


  11. hope; Believe me, ANY video that has Map, Jimmy & Paul in it would too scary for general release! :¬)


    Jimmy; Hope you have recovered by now. The plumber is still in the process of...! (You should see the heid om him!) :¬)
