Sunday, 28 March 2010

Ireland 1916. A new Dawn; Horslips! (Where's the feckin' flag?)

For UB.

(This was in a time BEFORE we isolated the 'ugly' gene!)

(Thanks Charlie!)


  1. I'm not UB, but I liked the group and traditional music anyway.

    As far as isolating the ugly gene, it sure as hell hasn't been isolated in the U.S.

    And pardon my stupidity, but is that Dooblin in the video?

    [Glad I cculd help.]

  2. i wonder what will happen to the tri-color, sugar. music seems a blend of rock and traditional or maybe it's just too early for me to be listening to anything other the MITM snoring. *sigh* xoxoxox

  3. I like it! Glad they don't suffer from vertigo.

  4. Charlie; This shower of ugly mugs was my favourite group growing up! I got to see them live a couple of times, big deal for me at the time.
    And yeah, 'tis Doobiln! :¬)

    Sav; That snoring must be sweet music to yer ears?
    (Horslips were the pioneers of 'trad-rock'. They recently reformed, and are playing the odd gig here and there.) :¬)


    Pat; 'tis good music. (I DO suffer from vertigo!) :¬)


  5. Thank you, sir! How very thoughtful. What kind of bass is he playing?! I’ve never seen anything like it. At the end of the vid, it looks like they're standing in a big puddle of water. I hope those things aren’t plugged in. And where IS that flag, anyway? I've been wondering...

  6. UB; The bass is a shamrock!
    Yes, I think it is a puddle, electric shocks are all part of the Irish music scene! :¬)

  7. You cannae beat a bit of the oul foot tapping to some damn fine fiddle music. Bring it on.

  8. Jimmy; How's the heid now?


  9. That's pretty interesting! No vertigo for me so no ill effects from watching the video. ;-)

    Have you seen them play now? Wonder if they sound the way you remember them...

  10. Pon; I have a dvd of them playing reworkings of all their old stuff. It's all way mellower and layed back. Still good though. :¬)


  11. As mentioned above: vertigo. I got it just from looking so I closed my eyes. Great music. Notice all that rosin dust on the fiddle; he's playing his heart out.

    word verification: frimp. Isn't that a great word?

  12. Leah; He was well known for his black fiddle and rosin dust!

    Frimp = small Frump!? :¬)

