Saturday, 13 June 2009

+ Vs -

The past couple of months have been strange.
And difficult.
And there have been some prophets of doom.
But only some.
There are SO many positive people out there.
Not least of all you lot!

Sis had to go to the hospice a couple of days ago.
We've just come from a visit.
A beautiful place.
They are working on her pain management.
And she is STILL one of the positive ones.

I'm learning to avoid, or ignore the negative people.


  1. Huge hugs, Map, honey. This is a difficult time for everyone there, and steering away from negativity is for sure the best.

    Tell your sister that there's a big bunch of us blogger folks who send her love and peace and comfort. And we all love you too, my friend.


  2. Pon; I always like it when I'm right!

    You are good people.

    Go raibh maith agat a chara.

  3. My good thoughts are with you, your sister, and your family tonight, Map!

  4. Heaps of hugs for your sis hon & plensh PMA to the whole family :-)

  5. Wishing you all the best.

    I went to a Positive Thinking seminar once, and they reckoned one of the best things you could do was remove as many of the negative people from your life as you can.

    Far better to be happy in your own world, than miserably in anyone elses

  6. Map - good to hear that she's being so positive. Seems to be a family trait. Take care of each other.

  7. all the best to you and yours, sugar! sending massive amounts of positivity/love/peace/strength across the pond from me, the MITM and the coconut krewe! xoxoxo

  8. Think positive and you will be positive my friend. You have my arm around your shoulder fae across the water.

    Keep the faith, the both of ye.

  9. Leah; thanks friend.

    Jayne; and you friend.

    Kim; you are so right!

    Madame DF; we will, ta pal.

    Sav; ye are all so good. xoxox

    Jimmy; there's nothing more comforting than the arm of a good pal!

  10. Some good thoughts being thunk for yee all here tonight.

    Would you mind if I joined you in the positive place? Only if there is room mind.

  11. *Hugs*
    I am playing a positive tune today, one that cheers me up even if I'm determined to be grumpy!

  12. Devin; thanks, and there's always room in the positive place!

    Scarlet; ta for the hugs. Play that tune LOUD girl!

  13. You know, I almost hugged my Dad's doctor when he said, "I can't tell you have long you have. I'm not God. But I'll be with you every step of the way. And you call the shots. It's your life."

    Here's wishing your Sis and family have that type of medical support system. I have a feeling she's surrounded by much love....and certainly by all the best wishes we can send her way. Give her a group hug from us....and feel free to take one too if you need it. :)

  14. I am going to try and be one of your disciples. No negative people. It will be good for us both. I am sending you and your sister my prayers and love. Hugs to you too.

  15. Bev; thank you, and good for you.
